Monday, May 20, 2013

Waco - the JMP Camera Class

We've got something exciting up our sleeves...and we want you to be the first to know!

Introducing the JMP Camera Class!

Do you have a "fancy" camera that you treat like a basic point-and-shoot? Did you have a baby...or book an exoctic vacation...or become interested in photography...and bought yourself a great camera...and then never learned how to really use it? Is the AUTO setting your best friend?

Then this is for you! Jason will use his years of experience (and his hours reading complicated camera manuals) to help you learn how to get the most out of your SLR camera.

Join us Saturday, July 13th from 8:30 am -12:30 pm in Waco, Texas for this great class.

The class is limited to 10 participants, so hurry and reserve your spot today.

Check out to learn more and to sign up!

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